Friday, October 28, 2011

Don't miss our great two-day workshop during early December, featuring noted author and presenter, Ms. Leisa Anslinger.

Catechesis for a Worshipping Community

Dates: December 1-2, 2011
Presenter: Ms. Leisa Anslinger
Place: Flaget Center, Room A

Description: Participants will examine, first, the challenges involved in proclaiming the Gospel message in U.S. culture today. The course will then look at the relationship between prayer, liturgy, and catechesis; the concept of sacramental catechesis; and the catechumenal model as a basis, or paradigm, for all of catechetical ministry. Finally, attention will be given to whole community catechesis and intergenerational (and family-oriented) religious education models.

Times: Thursday, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM Friday, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Workshop Fee: $90.00

Credits: 10 Contact Hours on Advanced or Master Level

For more information, contact Butch Ekstrom, 502.448.8581 or --

To register, contact Ms. Linda McLemore, 5 02.448.8581 or

Friday, October 7, 2011

Workshop on the Advent Season

A workshop on the subject of Advent, sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education, has been scheduled for Saturday, October 15 -- 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

The details:

Advent: What, When, and How?

Presenter: Maureen Grisanti Larison --

Saturday, October 15, from 9:30 to 12:30 --

Flaget Center:

(1935 Lewiston Drive, Louisville KY) --

Explore the theology of Advent; the practical meaning of the Advent season; and a variety of Advent practices and catechetical resources to use with a variety of specific age-groups (K thru Adult).

Participation Fee: $10.00

Pre-register, contact Linda at OLFE -- 502.448.8581 or

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bardstown, Nazareth, & Rural Areas -- ALMI Workshop on Oct. 22

A workshop presentation that will go hand-in-hand with the Fall 2011 season of Why Catholic? -- and other church ministries -- is coming up soon.

Title: "The Mass: Exploring Our Catholic Identity"

Date: Saturday, October 22 (2011) -- 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Presenter: Rev. Thomas Richstattter, OFM

This workshop will be held in Crimmins Hall, in Nazareth KY -- a special offering for those serving the Church in the Bardstown, Nazareth, Mount Washington, and south regions of the Archiocese. It will be sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville Ministry Institute (ALMI). It has been designed for adults engaged in ministries related to Christian initiation, liturgy, faith-formation, sacramental preparation, music, and the Why Catholic? program (both small group leaders and group members).

(This workshop will be a reprise of the offering in Louisville on June 11, 2011.)

The fee will be $25 (will include lunch). Register with ALMI soon -- Phone: 502.448.8581 or E-Mail: