78th Annual NCCL Conference and Exposition
Energize, Evangelize, Catechize
Energizar, Evangelizar, Catequizar
May 19-24 (2014), in St. Louis MO (Renaissance Grand Hotel)
Evangelization major sessions:
"New Evangelization Leads to Common Sense Catechesis," by Fr. Bob Hater
"Creating a Culture of Witness for the New Evangelization." by Sr. Theresa Rickard, O.P.
“Disciples Called to Witness” and
"A New Evangelization Toolkit: The Catechist’s Role, "by Dr. Peter J. Murphy of USCCB
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Peek inside the NCCL 2014 Annual Conference plans:
Monday: Energizing the Church -- Keynote by Sherry Weddell, "Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus"
PCL Forum: Being and forming better disciples and servant-leaders – Jared Dees, a"31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator"
Tuesday: Perspectives on the call to evangelize
Intercultural – Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, Secretariat for Cultural Diversity @ the USCCB
Technology – Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Assistant Professor & Distance Learning Systems @
Loyola Institute for Ministry in New Orleans
Young adults – Rev. Paul Marshall, S.M., St. Louis School.
Wednesday: The Catechumenal Model -- Inspiration for All Catechesis - Mary Birmingham
and Dorothy Mensah-Aggrey
Thursday: "Taking Steps Forward, Making Church Matter," by Thomas Corcoran, Co-Author of "Rebuilt" and "Tools for Rebuilding," and Chris Wesley, Director of Student Ministry at Church of the Nativity.
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