Hail, O Tabernacle of God the Word;
hail, Holy One, more holy than the saints.
Hail, O Ark that the spirit has gilded;
hail, sacred Glory of reverent priests.
Hail, unshakable Tower of the Church;
hail, unbreakable Wall of the Kingdom.
Hail, O you through whom the trophies are raised.
hail, O you through whom the enemies are routed.
Hail, O Healing of my body;
hail, O Salvation of my soul.
Hail, O Bride and Maiden everpure.
(Akathist Hymn)
This prayer from the Byzantine tradition honors Mary as the Theotokos or God-bearer. An
akathist is a hymn in honor of Mary or a saint which is traditional in the Eastern Churches. Many of these prayers were composed to illustrate the virtues of the Blessed Mother and highlight her role in salvation history. Icons are often designed to mirror the descriptions or titles of Mary within the prayer. The icon pictured above is of the Theotokos Merciful. More information on, and an ancient example of, the
akathist prayer form can be found at
www.stsymeon.com/akathist.html. The poetic and reverent language of this prayer may inspire an increase in your own devotion to the Blessed Mother.
This translation of an akathist can be found in Mary 101: Tradition and Influence, a new book by Mary Ann Zimmer, ND, PhD from Ligouri Publications. This text offers an introduction to Mary and some of the traditions surrounding her. It includes an exploration of Mary in Scripture, Church teaching, prayers, and devotions. Marian apparitions and artwork are examined, along with background information, reflection questions, and suggestions for further reading on Marian issues. It is available in the Media Center (BK5083.1).
May is traditionally "Mary's month". Take some time this month to learn more about the Mother of God and our Mother. You may find something new to enhance your prayer and spiritual practice.