Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Adult Faith Formation: New Ideas and a Workshop with Tom Zanzig

Many of our parishes struggle with how to engage adults in lifelong learning. We often hear the lament:"They just won't come to anything!" Even when we offer a wide array of programs and formation opportunities, the numbers in attendance may be low. People say that they want certain things - Scripture studies, faith-sharing groups, guest speakers on Catholic teaching, etc. - but then few people show up for the actual event. What's wrong with this picture?

Tom Zanzig, a veteran catechetical speaker and author, thinks that we are going about this the wrong way. Instead of simply asking people to come to the parish for programs, he offers new ways to equip adults to undertake their own spiritual journeys and develop a mature faith. His approach emphasizes helping people to take responsibility for their own formation and allowing them to emply a wide variety of methods to do so. In honor of the 10th anniversary of the USCCB pastoral plan Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us it seems appropriate to reflect on what we have accomplished so far and re-examine our priorities and approaches to Adult Faith Formation.

On Saturday, October 17, from 9:30 AM - 4 PM at Flaget Center we are hosting a workshop with Tom Zanzig that he calls, "Adult Faith Formation: If It Is Broke, Let's Fix It!" This day is designed for all those who work with adults - in any capacity (which means everyone, at some point) - in order to help us guide others in their own formation. Adult Faith Formation leaders and teams, RCIA coordinators and teams, Parish Catechetcial Leaders and catechists, Pastoral Associates, Principals and teachers, Youth and Young Adult Ministers, Priests and Deacons are all encouraged to attend. Please invite anyone in your parish who is interested in seeing Adult Faith Formation grow and flourish. It will be an energetic and enlightening day, so plan to bring a group and share in the adventure! To register, please contact Linda McLemore at or 502-448-8581. For the complete registration form and details, go to our OLFE main page at and look for the AFF workshop title.
The registration deadline is October 9th. We look forward to seeing you there!

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