Monday, November 21, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Lord, we thank you
for the goodness of our people
and for the spirit of justice
that fills this nation.
We thank you for the beauty and fullness of the
land and the challenge of the cities.
We thank you for our work and our rest,
for one another, and for our homes.
We thank you, Lord:
accept our thanksgiving on this day.
We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
— Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Mid-South Catholic Leadership Conference (2011)
The "Lake Barkley" event is an annual, collaborative endeavor of five (5) Catholic dioceses, including the Archdiocese of Louisville. The theme for 2011 was "Catholic Leadership -- Supporting Families."
The Archdiocese was well represented by a contingent of parish and school leaders at the conference. There were excellent major addresses, a variety of workshops, and prayer times on the official schedule. But, clearly, there was time for some fun and socializing too. Check out the picture above! It shows a group of partying PCLs, from our area, learning to line-dance, with Ms. Denise Puckett -- a staff member of the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education (OLFE) -- taking the lead. Way to enjoy the moment, everybody!
Friday, October 28, 2011

Presenter: Ms. Leisa Anslinger
Place: Flaget Center, Room A
Description: Participants will examine, first, the challenges involved in proclaiming the Gospel message in U.S. culture today. The course will then look at the relationship between prayer, liturgy, and catechesis; the concept of sacramental catechesis; and the catechumenal model as a basis, or paradigm, for all of catechetical ministry. Finally, attention will be given to whole community catechesis and intergenerational (and family-oriented) religious education models.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Workshop on the Advent Season

A workshop on the subject of Advent, sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education, has been scheduled for Saturday, October 15 -- 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
The details:
Presenter: Maureen Grisanti Larison --
Saturday, October 15, from 9:30 to 12:30 --
Flaget Center:
Explore the theology of Advent; the practical meaning of the Advent season; and a variety of Advent practices and catechetical resources to use with a variety of specific age-groups (K thru Adult).
Participation Fee: $10.00
Pre-register, contact Linda at OLFE -- 502.448.8581 or
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Bardstown, Nazareth, & Rural Areas -- ALMI Workshop on Oct. 22

Title: "The Mass: Exploring Our Catholic Identity"
Date: Saturday, October 22 (2011) -- 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Presenter: Rev. Thomas Richstattter, OFM
(This workshop will be a reprise of the offering in Louisville on June 11, 2011.)
The fee will be $25 (will include lunch). Register with ALMI soon -- Phone: 502.448.8581 or E-Mail:
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Back by Popular Demand -- Season 2 of Why Catholic?
Important news about the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese of Louisville . . .
Welcome back to those returning, and welcome to all who will be joining (for the first time) -- the dates for beginning Season 2 of the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese are upon us.
Small-group, faith-sharing sessions, on the topic of the new Roman Missal, should begin during the week of October 2-8.
Essential information about 'what to use' and 'how to order' Season 2 is on our blog:
Do you have questions or needs that require a personal touch? Contact:
Mr. Sal Della Bella
Director of Faith-Fomration
Phone: 502.448.8581
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Pope Calls All to New Evangelization
Monday, September 12, 2011
Key Dates for Catechists and Why Catholic? Participants

The Office of Lifelong Formation & Education (OLFE) invites you to get involved! So much to begin. So many to serve and to honor. So much to celebrate. Some key dates to remember coming up in the Archdiocese:
September 16 -- Archdiocesan-Wide Faith Formation Celebration!
(St. Lawrence Church, 1925 Lewiston Drive, Louisville KY, 6:30 PM; Reception after Mass)
September 17 -- Workshop by Leisa Ainslinger, M.A.
"The Village @ Work: Faith-Formation for the Whole Community" (St. Agnes Pastoral Center, 1920 Newburg Road, Louisville KY --9:30 AM to 3:00 PM)
October 2-8 -- The second season of Why Catholic? begins this week
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Resource for RCIA and Adult Faith-Formation

Friday, August 26, 2011
Catechetical Sunday -- Coming on September 18

About Catechetical Sunday -- 2011
The ministry of the Word is a fundamental element of evangelization through all its stages, because it involves the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God.
“The word of God nourishes both evangelizers and those who are being evangelized so that each one may continue to grow in his or her Christian life” (National Directory for Catechesis, # 17).
Theme: "Do This in Memory of Me"
The Catholic Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 18, 2011, and will focus on the theme “Do This in Memory of Me.” Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith.
Homepage for the U.S. Bishops' materials for Catechetical Sunday, 2011 --
Monday, August 22, 2011
Free Webinars -- Getting Started as a New Catechist
Roughly 150,000 catechists are new to the job each year! Loyola Press is
hosting a free webinar series, featuring Joe Paprocki, D.Min., called
“Getting Started as Catechist."
During each webinar, Joe will address the basic skills of being a catechist;
how to plan effective lessons; ways to lead compelling prayer; tips on how to organize a variety of activities; and how to maintain order and discipline in the learning environment, in addition to other topics.
“Becoming a catechist is exciting and, let’s face it, somewhat intimidating!” Paprocki says.
“New and experienced catechists are eager to learn ways to effectively engage young people in
faith formation and basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence in this vocation.”
Webinar sessions, dates, and topics will include (from 7-8 pm CDT each program):
• August 24 (intermediate age children: grades 4–6)
• August 30 (junior high and high school)
• September 6 (adult faith formation)
Learn about the ministry of catechesis more from the comfort of your computer!
Register: Catechist's Journey (
(Note: If you have never seen Joe Paprocki in action, here is a short video clip:
Note: Each of the Loyola webinars by Joe Paprocki will be worth one hour of catechist credit in the area of Catechetics/Methods. For more information, contact: Ms. Denise Puckett, 502.448.8581 and/or
Friday, August 19, 2011
Video Workshop -- The Mass and Its Meaning

Recently, the Archdiocesan faith-formation staff hosted a well-received workshop on "The Mass: The Meaning of Our Catholic Identity." It featured Rev. Thomas Richstatter, OFM, as the main speaker. A video was made of his presentation. And here it is, a great tool for individual or group in-service.
(This resource should be especially good for those involved with Why Catholic? during Fall 2011, since
the central theme will be Liturgy and the New Roman Missal.)
Find the video here:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Workshop: "The Village @ Work: Faith-Formation in the Whole Community"

The Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation and Education (OLFE)
will host a workshop on Saturday, September 17.
"The Village @ Work:
Faith-Formation in the Whole Community"
The event will be held at the Saint Agnes Parish, 1800 Newberg Road, in Louisville (see link to directions below) from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Presenter: Leisa Ainslinger, M.A.
All persons engaged in faith-formation ministry, on all levels in their local communities, are invited and urged to attend this special presentation.
Workshop Description: A proverb from Africa states that ‘it takes a village to raise a whole person.’ Never has this seemed more true! This workshop, by noted author and adult education specialist, Ms. Leisa Anslinger, will explore The Village at Work in the dynamic process of
faith-formation in and for the whole local Church. During part one, Ms. Anslinger will focus – in conjunction with the theme of Catechetical Sunday 2011 -- on the critical and lifelong task of
sacramental formation for all ages. Throughout part two of the workshop, she will center on practical dimensions of what parents, extended family members, and others (in the wider community) can do to nurture a lasting Catholic identity.
About Our Presenter: Leisa Anslinger is recognized widely as an expert on lifelong catechesis, faith-development, and Catholic stewardship. She holds a B.A. in Music Education, from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College; a Masters in Secondary-School Counseling, from Purdue University; and a M.A. in Religion from the Athenaeum of Ohio. She is the author of Here Comes Everybody! Whole Community Catechesis in the Parish – a practical guide about lifelong faith-formation programs in parish life today.
Register yourself and team members:
Office of Lifelong Formation and Education (OLFE)
Attention: Ms. Linda McLemore
Phone: 502-448-8584, ext. 1324
Cost: $35 per person (includes lunch)
Getting to the St. Agnes Pastoral Center:
Monday, August 15, 2011
New Video Helps -- Adult Catholic Catechism
(Check under Faith Formation)
The introductory presentation runs about 8.5 minutes and introduces the other pieces. Five additional video programs include:
• Overview: The Faith Revealed (16:02)
• The Creed: The Faith Professed (16:58)
• The Sacraments: The Faith Celebrated (20:21)
• Christian Morality: The Faith Lived (17:08)
• Prayer: The Faith Prayed (18:44)
Free Webinars for New Catechists
The presenter will be Joe Paprocki, D.Min. He will identify the basis
“New and experienced catechists are eager to learn ways to effectively engage young people in
faith formation and basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence in this vocation.”
There will be four (4) webinars in the Loyola series, focused on separate age groups. Each will take place from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm CDT:
• August 17 (Primary age children: grades 1–3)
• August 24 (Intermediate age children: grades 4–6)
• August 30 (Junior high and high school)
• September 6 (Adult faith formation)
These webinars will be presented free of charge, on your personal computer! Catechists, learn more about your important vocation -- and become better prepared for Catechetical Sunday (September 18, 2011).
Register at Catechist's Journey, --
Here is a video introduction from Dr. Joe Paprocki
Resources for Catechetical Sunday 2011

The theme for Catechetical Sunday 2011 (September 18) will be "Do This in Memory of Me."
Many parish catechetical leaders use this occasion to honor and acknowledge the ministry of catechists in the midst of their faith communities. Use this webapge to review some resources that might help you to do this.
Also, check on the main webpage of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership -- which contains Catechetical Sunday 2011 ideas and resources as well.
Friday, June 3, 2011
PCL Luncheon -- Thanks and Pictures (May 12, 2011)

May 12 at the Flaget Center -- an Annual Lunch and Celebration to honor and
thank the Parish Catechetical Leaders in the Archdiocese of Louisville.
The festive photos tell the story. Thanks to all who attended, all who had to
miss the party due to other commitments, and to all who take part in all of the important PCL ministries in the parishes throughout the Archdiocese!
Click for More May 12th Pix
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Other 6

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Roundtable 2011 -- NALM Presents Special Day in Indy

The theme of the day will be Catholic Church Management: From a Challenging Present to a Creative Future.
The "roundtable" will be presented by the National Association for Lay Ministry ( Click below for a flyer:
For related information about the 2011 Annual NALM Conference (June 1-4 in Indianapolis), see (Events tab) or call 202.541.5300.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Webinar -- May 17: Changing Face of Catholic Parishes
May 17 -- 3:00 to 4:00 PM
Presenters: Neil Parent
Mark M. Gray

Monday, April 25, 2011
Beyond Season 1: Wednesday Night Group to Meet Monthly Until Season 2
"I have met some awesome people. I would not change a thing."
-- Why Catholic? Group Evaluation, Jeffersontown
What is your Why Catholic? small group looking to do between now and Season 2 (Fall2011)? Let us know. And keep checking this blog page. We'll have some ideas to share
from places throughout the Archdiocese.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Revised Edition Available -- New American Bible

The Catholic bishops of the U.S. have approved a revised edition of the New American Bible.
See >>
The Archdiocesan blog called Why Catholic Now has more information too:
FYI -- The Boom's Back in 'Baby Boom'

Friday, April 1, 2011
Going Digital -- Why Catholic? Season 1
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Online Workshop: Digital Ministry and Social Networking
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Young Adult Ministry -- ALI Workshop on March 31
Monday, March 14, 2011
Care for the Earth -- April 16 Symposium
Workshop on March 19 (Saturday)

A Lenten-Growth Practice

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Two Minutes of Quiet -- Ash Wednesday and Lent

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Mardi Gras -- Why Catholic? for Lent

Today is March 8, 2011. Mardi Gras -- or Fat Tuesday. The day of fiesta to celebrate before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. Mark the season of Lent in a special way this year. Join the new spiritual-renewal program, for adults, in our Archdiocese:
Why Catholic? -- A Journey Through the Catechism
For more information in English and Spanish, BLOG with us:
And be sure to Facebook with us! -- Louisville Why Catholic
Register for Why Catholic? at local parish today. Your contact at the Archdiocese is:
Faith-Formation Dept.
Ph: 502.448.8581
Friday, February 25, 2011
Video Segments Now Available -- Theology Online

The presentations were drawn from Archdiocesan Ministry Institute courses during recent semesters. Please click here:
Consultant for Catechetical Ministry
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sign-Up Now: Why Catholic?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Next Week: Valentine's Day & Training for Why Catholic?

Here is some catechist's background. The man's name, Valentine, in Latin refers to "strong, powerful, worthy." Pope Gelasius I switched an ancient pagan holiday -- in celebration of the Roman god Juno -- during 496 c.e., into Saint Valentine's Feast on February 14.
Christian legend says that a priest, named Valentine, was an outspoken and brave Christian community leader. He baptized many (even Saint Lucy the Martyr perhaps) and performed other ministerial duties faithfully and constantly.
Valentine attracted the attention -- and the deep anger -- of Claudius II, the emperor of Rome. The legend concludes that Valentine, ever-brave, was thrown int a Roman jail and eventually executed (by bow and arrow?) because he would not renounce his Christian faith.
The Roman version of the name Valentine was very common, for males, during that period in the Roman Empire. There is some evidence in Christian history that there may have been two or perhaps three Valentines, during early Christian history, who deserve the title Saint -- and all died, coincidentally, on the date February 14 (but during different years).
One very old, romantic part of the Valentine story tells about the saint-to-be locked in a jail cell before his execution by Claudius II. -- As the tale goes, Valentine falls in love with his jailer's daughter. Before his death, he wrote her a touching love letter "from your Valentine." And, thus was born, from this, the practice of using symbols like hearts, love, bows and arrows, cupids ("the God of Love" from Roman mythology), the color red for passion, and "Valentine's cards" among friends and lovers on February 14.
Second, training workshops for Why Catholic? small group leaders will begin.
The actual meetings of small groups for Season 1 -- Why Catholic? should begin in your local community during the season of Lent, March 2011.
LIMEX -- Graduate-Level Ministry Studies in our Archdiocese
Are you hearing more about LIMEX these days, but understanding it less?LIMEX stands for 'Loyola Institute for Ministry Extension Program.' It is a graduate ministry studies program for adults -- implemented via learning group cohorts in 'extension sites' such as the Archdiocese of Louisville.

There are currently two LIMEX groups operating in the Archdiocese. Student recruitment for another new group is beginning now. Click below for some online information:
Complete online courses and degrees are also an option with LIM.
Lent 2011 -- Workshop on Saturday, February 12

The Archdiocesan Faith-Formation Office will soon present a special workshop --
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Media Resources -- Newsletter for January 2011
We urge you to make frequent use, during 2011, of our Media Resources Library at the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation anf Education (OLFE).
Here is a link to our temporary Media Library webpage --it includes a January 2011 resource update from our Media coordinator:
Location of the Media Resources Library --
Flaget Center
Friday, January 7, 2011
PCL Meeting on January 20

The main presenter will be Dr. Saundra Kennedy. She will give two talks: (1) Servant Leaders: Witness to Jesus, and (2) Keys to Proclaiming the Word: The Task of Catechesis.
This PCL gathering has been scheduled for 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. It will be followed immediately by a short lunch. Both the presentations by Dr. Kennedy and the lunch will be made available through the courtesy of the William H. Sadlier Company.
To register, contact Ms. Sandi Tassin at or 502.448.8581, x. 1314.
For more information, about the January 20th event, contact Denise Pucket at 504.448.8581, x. 1315.