Catechesis for a Worshipping Community
Dates: December 1-2, 2011
Presenter: Ms. Leisa Anslinger
Place: Flaget Center, Room A
Presenter: Ms. Leisa Anslinger
Place: Flaget Center, Room A
Description: Participants will examine, first, the challenges involved in proclaiming the Gospel message in U.S. culture today. The course will then look at the relationship between prayer, liturgy, and catechesis; the concept of sacramental catechesis; and the catechumenal model as a basis, or paradigm, for all of catechetical ministry. Finally, attention will be given to whole community catechesis and intergenerational (and family-oriented) religious education models.
Times: Thursday, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM Friday, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Workshop Fee: $90.00
Credits: 10 Contact Hours on Advanced or Master Level
For more information, contact Butch Ekstrom, 502.448.8581 or bekstrom@archlou.org --
To register, contact Ms. Linda McLemore, 5 02.448.8581 or lmclemore@archlou.org
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