Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23: Silence, May 24: Words

Silence on May 23, Words on May 24:
Catholic Media Promotion Day 2012

Catholic Media Promotion Day 2012 will be observed on Wednesday, May 23 and Thursday, May 24. The theme of the Pope’s message for World Communications Day:

Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization

Last year, at this time, Catholics were asked to promote their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, as well as your own projects. Also, they were asked you to go to iTunes on to record at least 3 positive reviews for various Catholic podcasts and 3 positive written reviews for Catholic mobile applications.
This year, Cathoilcs are asked to do something different.

Wednesday, May 23  --  Take a one-day break from posting on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, etc.  Use this day to reflect on he role of silence in communication and evangelization.

Thursday, May 24  --  Share the fruit of May 23rd's prayer and silence with the world. Post your answer to the question:

    “What in Catholic Media has had an impact on me during the past year?” Share it on the New 
    Evangelizers website at:

Why silence on Wednesday?

Wednesday is the day that most people post on Facebook. Remaining silent on social media is a way to become more aware of the temptation to value doing over being and speaking over listening. God will notice. Hopefully we will notice God more deeply, and thus have a greater readiness to share a word that gives life.

Pope Benedict XVI reminds us:  “Silent contemplation immerses us in the source of that Love who directs us towards our neighbors so that we may feel their suffering and offer them the light of Christ, his message of life and his saving gift of the fullness of love.”



Refrain from using social media. Grab a chance to read and prayerfully reflect on the Pope’s message for World Communications Day 2012:


Share the fruit of your day of prayer and silence.  Post your answer to the question:

“What in Catholic Media has had an impact on me during the past year?”

Share it on the New Evangelizers website at:


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