Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thanks for a Great Workshop, Everybody!

     We were proud to host a dynamic and practical workshop on Saturday, September 15 --

A Catechist's Toolkit: Survive and
Thrive in Religious Education This Year

      Many thanks to our gifted and fun presenter, Dr. Joe Paprocki, author, blogger, and national representative for the Loyola Press of Chicago, and the 100+ workshop attendees. You each made the day more valuable by your presence and active participation. 

Joe Paprocki, D.Min.
      The morning session centered on the “why’s" of certain Catholic practices that form Catholic identity, like  a sense of sacramentality, commitment to community, respect for the dignity of human life and commitment to justice, Tradition, and deep faith and hope. How to teach about central Catholic themes was also addressed.

Joe Paprocki with Local PCL, Tom Morton

      During the afternoon, the workshop sessions focused on methods, techniques, and tips for catechists -- both experienced ones and the many new 'volunteers on the job’ in Catholic parishes.

     Thanks again to Joe, to the Loyola Press representative present, Ms. Bev Bryan, and to all who took part in the presentation.

Note:  Joe's blog for catechists and catecehtical leaders can be found 24/7 at


Afternoon Workshop Session


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