The ministry of catechesis is especially highlighted at the annual Faith Formation Celebration, which coincides with Catechetical Sunday. The celebration began on Friday evening, September 22nd with Liturgy presided by Archbishop Kurtz at the beautiful, newly remodeled St. Lawrence Church. Those who completed significant faith formation endeavors were recognized and congratulated for their success and dedication to their faith formation. A festive reception followed after the ceremony which allowed participants to share stories and laughter about their experiences in faith formation.
The Thomas Duerr Award recognizes parishes and schools that are noted for Excellence in Catechesis. The recipients are: St. Brigid, John Paul II Academy, St. Nicholas Academy, and Sacred Heart Academy.
The Roncalli Award recognizes those who made a notable difference through the ministry of catechesis. The recipients are: Rev. Robert Stuempel, Mrs. Lois Hunn, and Mrs. Margaret Polin.
Mrs. Sandy Key was recognized and presented with an award for her 27 years of service as a volunteer catechist.
The photos give a taste of what a festive night it was for all those present. Many thanks for your commitment to ongoing formation!
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