Have you been curious about the upcoming Why Catholic? program?
Many groups of Why Catholic? participants will start meeting during Lent 2011 in our Archdiocese. Right now, an important period of team-formation and team-building, training, and program-planning is underway, currently, in over 90 parishes in our Archdiocese!
Of course, this will be a major undertaking overall for our Church. And Why Catholic? will help us all address, in a united way, key elements of our current Archdiocesan strategic plan.
For a worlds-eye view of Why Catholic? – in English or in Spanish (PorQue Ser Catolico?) -- visit the website of RENEW International: www.renewintl.org
Here, below, are a few things that people have said once they have had the Chance to experience Why Catholic? --
Church Leaders in the U.S.
"When the Catechism of the Catholic Church first came out, I was delighted since it is a comprehensive, up-to-date formulation of our beliefs and joys as Catholics. But I wondered how we might unpack its content for Catholics in the pews. Why Catholic? is a fine answer to my question. The material is arranged for use by small faith-sharing groups, thus enabling participants to better understand their faith and share it. The questions are thought provoking and interesting. I heartily recommend Why Catholic? "
Most. Rev. Michael Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe (NM)
"Why Catholic? seeks to be an instrument for faith formation and a call to holiness. Saints in everyday life are the strength of the Church, which is always renewing itself in fidelity to the mission of Christ and in service to the needs of our society. I heartily commend this effort in making the Catechism of the Catholic Church more accessible to the faithful."
Most Rev. John J. Myers, J.C.D., D.D.
Archbishop of Newark (NJ)
"I am very grateful for all that you have done to bring Why Catholic? alive in our Diocese. This program and process is really helping all of our people to understand better why they are Catholics and to live their faith in a more dynamic manner."
Most Rev. Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI
Bishop of San Angelo (TX)
“The Why Catholic? program is well serving the needs of both Anglo and Hispanic people.”
Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory
Archbishop of Atlanta (GA)
" . . . . the members of our diocesan team contacted directors from other dioceses that were already doing the program. The response we got from them was very enthusiastic. There was a consensus that the RENEW staff was excellent and that the materials and input they offered was very helpful."
Jim Kemna,
Director of Religious Education, Diocese of Jefferson City (MO)
“(It’s) well organized. It made me feel very enthusiastic about going with the program."
Patricia Spiegel
Stewardship and Adult Formation Coordinator
St. Lawrence the Martyr Church, Sayville, NY
"All parish organizations as well as small Christian communities, can be effective vehicles for evangelization and adult faith formation by using Why Catholic? It combines the best of faith-learning, faith-sharing, and faith-living!
Very Rev. E. Michael Camilli, M.S.C., Director of Adult Faith Formation, Diocese of Allentown PA
"The benefit of Why Catholic? . . . allows the truths of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to touch the realities of everyday life. Any individual or any group who chooses to participate in this will benefit significantly from learning how to live within the context of a greater and more Catholic relationship."
Dorothy Berman, MA
Youth Director, Mt. Manresa Retreat House
Small Group Participants
“I want my kids to believe. Why Catholic? is deepening my faith and teaching me how to pray. It is helping my faith seed out into my children.”
Amy M.
Toronto, Ohio
“Why Catholic? is great! I may now actually read, and even study, the Catechism rather than occasionally just looking up a topic or two.”
Louise A.
Atlanta, Georgia
“The sign of the cross has always been a gesture of habit… Since I started Why Catholic? I stop and reflect on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Veronica M.
Flemington, NJ
“Before Why Catholic? I shied away from religious questions. Now, by learning more about the richness and traditions of my Catholic faith, I share faith more confidently.”
David M.
Prattville, Alabama
“The most rewarding thing was this—we had a person in our group who had not been very involved in the Church. She was a product of Catholic schooling, but she had not been to confession in 33 years. After our discussions, she decided to go to our Penance Service. I feel Why Catholic? was definitely a new beginning for her.”
Jacque B.
Peachtree City, Georgia
“Why Catholic? helped strengthen my marriage. We use this as our tool to reconnect . . .
Greg N.
Daphne, Alabama
“Why Catholic? has reminded me of my roots and why I am Catholic. My mother always said being Catholic is more than a religion—it’s a way of life.”
Kimberly D.
Atlanta, GA
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